New life situation makes for new needs :-) I’m for hire as webdeveloper again, mostly through the company of an old colleague called Retina A/S. What would you hire me for?
Well mostly the whole internet presence I can handle, easily and with flexibility suited to your or your companys need. Nice discounts or no-cost for friends. Here’s some of what:
- Web and e-mail hosting (for extremely low or no cost since the solutions I use are either hosted on my own server or with Google for free)
- Domain registration and management.
- Website planning, evaluation and development
- Installation of Content Management System to provide for easy website management by one or thousands of users (Mostly using the fabulous open source tool called WordPress)
- Mailinglist management
- Training and courses to ensure you or your users know how to manage the system.
- Search Engine Optimizatio – making sure that your website shows up on Google for what you define as your most important key-words.
- Advisory on current website and services – giving or seeking answers to any question one may have about the cyberspace.
- Easy to manage remote backups for small business/single users.
Ie. a nice way to ensure that you don’t loose your documents and pictures by storing a copy on a server somewhere else in the world.
As I plan to do webdevelopment as a part-time job I/we are looking for time limited development projects. That is projects where I can do intensive and time-consuming development over the winter months and minimal follow-up from May to November.
Get in touch if you have questions.